Monday, June 16, 2008

Mangling the Language with Tanith...

Howdy there Y'all!

Y'know, you people can be awfully stingy with the comments sometimes!
Why, I've been on here since March and absolutley nobody bothered to let me know what they thought about my drivel. (and I'd brought out my special drivel just for the occasion too!)

A thought occurs... is it just me or have words become cheap these days?
What? an example? well, if you insist.
E.g in the time when calligraphy stood in for normal handwriting, letters would be agonised over -polished 'til they shone-
Toady, all you need to do is learn how to type and you can spew out any kind of garbled nonsense!

" Iffin' yeh tried 't read this 'ere awl the time, ye'd be a-windin' up wif the frightfuwl-est o' head-akes don't ya know there dorlin'! "

Certainly is easy to mangle the language eh? ...I'll tell you what, I'll ask Tanith.

-Whaddya you think-ish abou' this 'ere mess eh, Tanith?

- Did you really have to drag me into this? I mean it's peculiar enough being a figment of someones imagination but REALLY! this is only one step from talking to yourself!
You really want my opinion? I think you're crazy, THATS what I think!

-Why Tanith, what a thing to say!

**indelicate sound** go away, I'm brooding.

-Right you! If thats the way you want it fine!
Shall I grant you an indulgence too while I'm at it?- In case you should think of any more curse words?

I'm not going to dignify that with an answer Leah!

... all right everyone, Missy Mae's having a grouching moment, now let's all back away slowly
-no sudden movements, if you take my meaning-

I'll get you for this Tanith! you'll be eating snails in my next entry, Mark my words.

(insert dry chuckle here) Consider them marked, oh glorious leader.


Enjoy your day Houston,
This is Tanith, signing off!

